Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Words of Wisdom from Grandpa Z

My grandfather sent me this email after learning that I wasn't doing so well after the election. He survived both life under the Nazis and the Soviets, so he knows plenty about being oppressed. He lost his father to the Stalinists and his entire family fortune, and the Nazis used him as forced labor in his teens. Here's the original Polish message with a translation following.

Hi Maguni,nie wiem czy dostalas E-mail czy wiadomosc telefonicznie-u nas po staremu,wyborami nie powinnasc sie przejmowac to jak loterja jednym razem wygrywa ten albo inny,szkoda Twojego zdrowia.W Polsce za komunistow tego problemu nie bylo bo byl tylko jeden kandynat i zawsze mial 99% glosow.Jak Ci sie powodzi z praca i jak tam ksiazka no i zdrowie? Babcia sie martwi bo nie moze sie dodzwonic do Ciebie,tym malym tekefonem bo moglaby rozmawiac godzinami bo my go prawie nie uzywamy.Masz duzego buziaka od Babci i od Dziadka.Od Pawla nie mamy nic.PA PA PA

Hi Maggie (strange dimunitive form of my name because there is no "Maggie" in Polish), I don't know if you got my email or phone messages, but everything's the same here, don't pay any mind to election it's like a lottery this time one guy or the other wins, it's a waste of your good health. In Poland under the Communist there wasn't this problem because there was only one candidate and he always had 99% of the vote. How are things at work and how's your book and of course your health? Grandma's worried because she can't get in touch with you by phone, with this small phone (cell phone) she could talk to you for hours because we hardly ever use it. You have a big kiss from Grandma and Grandpa. From Paul we haven't heard anything. Bye Bye.

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