Sunday, October 22, 2006

what are we going to do about GREENing this place?

& then there is stop TORTURE

& then there is this ask conrad for the letter

& we are voting soon.... [& the race for GOVERNOR here in CA has m & i considering a write in for Percy Poodle]

but, what are we going to do about GREENing this place? what can us POETS do? what are YOU doing? i want to know. maybe you can help me get motivated & not feel helpless & inactive. maybe get me off my COMFORTABLE ass & not just work my 9-5 [non-profit/ for children] job & feel like i've done all i can do....

because the truth is, i can do more. & i'm really not interested in the politics of TV. or chatrooms. or TOP 40, which is all it seems to be now w/ the DEMS & REPS.... fluff. [fluffing.]

& george hasn't responded to my letter yet. although for a few days we thought the CIA was reading our blog.

serious responses only.

thank you.

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